
Home / News / Industry News / What is the impact of the performance of solid tires on the performance of the vehicle?

Influence of Solid Tire Performance on Vehicle Performance

(1), the impact on the power performance of the forklift
The entire cross-section of the solid tire plant is composed of rubber and cord fabrics of different formulations, and its internal friction must exceed that of pneumatic tires. Because the quality of life of solid tire companies is higher than that of pneumatic tires of the same specification, the social resistance and ramp resistance of their development acceleration are also larger.

(2), the impact on the performance of the braking system
The braking force of the forklift mainly depends on the braking system torque provided by the brake work and the adhesion of the road surface. Sufficient braking force can be obtained only when the forklift has sufficient braking torque and the ground can provide sufficient adhesion. Solid tires may have poorer adhesion system performance than pneumatic tires of the same specification. Therefore, the braking force of a solid tire is less than that of a pneumatic tire of the same specification. At the same time, solid tires have a greater impact on the product quality of pneumatic tires of the same specification. Therefore, under the same initial braking speed, the braking deceleration of Chinese tire forklifts is relatively small, and the braking system distance is relatively large. Therefore, in the case of the same specification, the braking system of a solid tire forklift will be poor.

(3), the impact on the passability of the forklift
For tires of the same specification, since the shape and size of the pneumatic tire is larger than that of the solid tire, the clearance between the forklift and the ground can be increased, so the passing performance of the pneumatic tire forklift is better.

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